This is a generic top block – edit as appropriate


Being revealed as a Portal was like finding out you had the plague. Nobody wanted to be anywhere near you, especially if you were as strong as Jacinta was proving to be. As if she didn’t have enough things on her plate already.

Raised by a cult, malnourished and ripped from the first place she’d ever felt safe, Jacinta’s world had been turned on its head.  To make matters worse, there was the Pure Human movement who saw all Portals as mutants who should be destroyed. At least her protective detail was on her side. They weren’t friends, but they seemed to have her best interests at heart.


Jacinta hadn’t found her anchors, but she’d found something else. Someone else. A voice who knew what was happening to her body and one that knew how to help her harness her power. The only problem was, she could only talk to him during her seizures and they were slowly stripping her of all her strength.

Already it hurt to walk because she had no padding left on her feet, and her gaunt appearance was startling to say the least. To make matters worse, Colonel Summerville wanted results and he was determined to get them.


Jacinta is struggling with all of the changes going on inside her. Just as confusing is her relationship with the men who were chosen to protect her. Anchors, wormholes, and new designations aside, it’s time for her to focus on herself. If only the universe would allow her the time to do so.

Her family have not given up on getting her back, the military want to contain or neutralise her, and the changing dynamics amongst her closest supporters are throwing them all for a loop.

Can they pull themselves together in time to face the greatest threat of them all? Or will their inner turmoil leave the Earth open to an attack from the most unexpected source?

Black Sun

Coming Late 2024